The bells are ringing and the birds are singing and I can preview this website’s changes on my rickety Windows 7 desktop computer. We installed Ruby gems last night and did the Jekyll things and it all works quite smoothly. The gems are now in one...
We’re not talking about Docker for Windows today either. Oh, we are so not. At 10 pm Monday night, C. and I realized that the handy-dandy new way to run Docker on Windows only works for Windows 10. My desktop runs Windows 7 (don’t judge). My lapto...
Well, today I’d hoped to tell you all about the blog setup process, but we still haven’t installed Docker/Jekyll for Windows on my desktop, so I’m not ready yet. I can see some of you stifling yawns. Look, it is my job to make this kind of thing s...
We’re at dinner and I am telling C. all about the delightful time I had at the gym that afternoon playing my usual cardio machine game, Guess The TCM Movie … and then watching about 25 minutes of the movie with the sound off and getting a master c...